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Thigh: Rectus Femoris

Clinical: 13 y/o female status post injury 1 month prior. Progressive pain.

Dx: Subacute partial tear of the rectus femoris centered at the deep musculotendinous junction at the mid thigh. There is approximately 19 mm of muscle retraction and a subacute hematoma at the tear site measuring 20 x 15 x 10 mm. The tear involves 30-40 percent of the rectus femoris muscle substance focally.

Read a related JBJS article here

Read a related AJR article here 

Read a related AJSM article here


1. Cummings RJ, Davidson RS, Armstrong PF, Lehman WB. The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery: Feb. 2002 – vol. 84-A, no. 2, pp. 290-308.

2. Gyftopoulos S, Rosenberg ZS, Schweitzer ME, Bordalo-Rodrigues M. AJR; Mar. 2008 – vol. 190, no. 3, pp. W182-W186.

3. Cross TM, Gibbs N, Houang MT, Cameron M. Am J Sports Med: Apr 2004 – vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 710-719.