Diversified Radiology
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Do you have dedicated after-hours radiologists?

Our after-hours radiologists are recruited and hired strictly for the after-hours time slot. This provides the highest satisfaction among all shifts and delivers optimal Turn-Around-Time, precise interpretations and consultative support around the clock.  Our extensive teleradiology infrastructure, along with the support staff that operates it, is immediately accessible for any event during the after-hours shift.  Having our sub-specialized physicians in every aspect of radiology standing by will afford your facility the ability to treat any trauma patient, at any time.  This includes 24/7 body, neuro and pediatric radiologists reading your studies real time; not just on call which may lead to delays for critically ill patients.  We do not stratify our level of care based on the time on the clock.

Additionally, DRC provides a consistent group of night readers, which assists the medical center with efficiencies and turn-around-time.  This small group of radiologists will become more familiar with the shift expectations and workflow, enabling the ED greater flexibility.  Because our after-hours doctors deliver final reads, your most urgent cases are diagnosed earlier and more accurately.