Diversified Radiology
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The facts of life: The bees and the specialists

When it comes to one's health, most patients entrust the management of their care to a highly trained medical doctor. On occasion, particularly when the patient's needs demand it, that doctor is a specialist. Trained in all the same basics as generalist physicians, the specialist has invested additional years into specifically studying particular body parts or functions.

The benefit of having a specialist (sometimes called a sub specialist) involved in your medical care is the additional years of study and practice that the specialist brings to the consultation.

It's not so different than the specialization practiced by bees in a study recently conducted by Jaime Pawelek, a distinguished UC Berkeley Researcher. That study concluded that bees can be separated into two categories of female pollen preferences, either specialists or generalists. Specialist bees tap into the pollen in a few or even just one plant species. Generalist bees, on the other hand, are less picky about the flowers they visit.

Diversified Radiology employs dozens of specialist radiologists in multiple fields including Breast Imaging Radiologists, Body Imaging Radiologists, Interventional Radiologists, Musculoskeletal Radiologists, Neuro Radiologists, Nuclear Medicine Radiologists, and Pediatric Radiologists. These experts read and interpret only the X-rays and imaging procedures for which they trained 100% of the time. The benefit of having the various experts on board means that treating doctors are able to be more acutely accurate in their prescribed treatments.